think of you

akhi dan ukhti yang berbahagia,berikut adalah salah satu puisi yang amat saya sukai..
begitu mendalam sekali maknanya,puisi ini sepertinya menceritakan seseorang yag selalu mengimgat dan mencintai kekasihnya..subhanallah...

when i open my eyes to see the sun rise...
i think of you...
when i hear a robin sing on the first day of spring..
i think of you...
when i see a red rose on the bush where it grows..
i think of you...
when i feel the summer heat on the sand beneath my feet
i think of you...
when i see the colored leaves fall to the ground from a light breeze
i think of you...
when i look to the night sky and see the sparkle like in your eyes
i think of you...
when the snow is coming down to softy blanket the ground
i think of you...
when i go to bed as i turn off the light
i think of you
when i'm old and near death and i draw my last breath..
i'll think of you..

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